A gathering of ideas, rants, reflections leading up to the big day

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Today my parents are married for 42 years. What wonderful role models I have! Their love is still visible after all these years: 3 kids, 6 moves, 3 grandchildren(and one on the way!). My parents are rock stars. They both provide me with such love and friendship and I appreciate how lucky I am to have this kind of relationship with them and to have their relationship available to model after.
(If Darrell and I make it to 42 years we will be 12 to 13 years older than my parents are right now!)


Unknown said...

42 years - that beats ours (36 on New Year's eve). May they have decades more of happy times together and may you and Darrell have the same. As your parents will tell you, tempus fugit.

Jennifer said...

Wow, Happy Anniversary to them!! That's awesome! If my mom was still around, they'd be 31 years on the 22nd of this month. Our parents' anniversaries were only 10 days apart!

This is a great post!