A gathering of ideas, rants, reflections leading up to the big day

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

While I have a minute

Reflection comes easy these days. I am often pondering my friendships, my support and of course my love for my man. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am honored by my e-friends.

When I started this blog in January, I sent the link to two friends, and then to one more and then some of you found me. I started it for me, as most blogs should be started, to have place to reflect, rant and ramble off ideas. You all have supported, inspired, laughed and e-loved me.

If it were not for this community I have formed, for this outlet I have because of this blog and help I have received from other bloggers, I think I'd be lost!

So from my humble little blog to you...thanks for all the support on this journey!

ps- I am going to try to get a few more posts in before Saturday, so this isn't the last of me! :)


Jenna said...

Those who don't blog can never understand why we do it. Thanks for supporting me as well :)

This Saturday! What time is your ceremony?

Anonymous said...

I have gotten flack from people for being a blogger so don't mind others who do not understand!

Good luck sweety..I am sending out positive mojo to you for your wedding day!

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderufl wedding AND Have an AMAZING time in Costa Rica!! If you even have time to think of any questions about El Capitan/Tamarindo, fire away! :o)

Fracisco the "bellboy"/monkey sitter was so much fun! Just don't let Sophie bite you!

If you like tilapia- get the Rollitos de Tilapa at the hotel- AMAZING!! I will be jealous!

Oh- unless it's not hot- DON'T walk into town along the beach!! We were sweating our butts off by the time we got there even thought it is a short walk, because we weren't in the cool jungle shade anymore! Take the $5 taxi, unless you like a sweaty adventure!

Anonymous said...

Whoops, FraNcisco!

Linda said...

I totally agree. The people I met when I started blogging is the reason I still blog.
Hope you are feeling a little less stressed. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You almost there!!!

Anonymous said...

aww I feel the same way. Only bloggers can truly understand.