A gathering of ideas, rants, reflections leading up to the big day

Monday, September 22, 2008

a few things crossed off the list (boring post)

I finally purchased a guest book. I am not overly thrilled about it, but it will do, as my creative juices are gone. It is the Martha Stewart Guest Book from Michael's that has the cards and envelopes inside for guests to write notes on. I do like it better than the simple sign your name. We can always embellish later with photos and additional pages and it fills the requirements set forth by Fi: cheap and easy.

I also finalized my escort cards, now I just have to recruit some people to help me write them out (that means you Jenn and Mel!).

Fi ordered the dessert this weekend and updated his tux orders.

We used our first wedding gift, our fondue pot. I am certain I will never eat cheese again.

We saw our mariachi band perform on Saturday (for the millionth time). I jumped around and screamed like I was seeing the Beatles perform on Ed Sullivan and people stared and pointed at me. I am so excited that they'll be there! We even hung out after the show like groupies.
With 19 days to go, I feel okay. I am tired and excited and stressed and calm all at the same time.


Ellen Mint said...

How can you say you'll never eat cheese again? Cheese makes the world go round.

jennifer said...

Well, maybe some day...but we made fondue for four people, but only two of us were there (hangs head in shame) and we finsihed it! That means I consumed a 1/2 pound of cheese! Oh, did I mention we had ice cream afterwards?