A gathering of ideas, rants, reflections leading up to the big day

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

License to Wed

I have the day off, thanks to the holiday of Rosh Hashannah (L'shana Tova to my Jewish brides!). I have been running around all morning catching up and running errands. First on the list, get the marriage license.

Fi and I met at the Pima County Courthouse this morning, paid our $72 (prices JUST went up last week!), swore we were who we said we were, signed, sealed and viola! We are licensed!

Beautiful day in Tucson, we love the gorgeous historic courthouse behind us. We originally planned to marry in the courtyard there, but this is happening there the same day.

Our license! Pardon my hair, it was windy!

One last shot of our favorite building in Tucson!